Wrist Hinge In The Golf Swing: 7 Steps To Getting It Right

Wrist Hinge in Golf Swing

Do you hinge your wrists correctly?

Are you having trouble getting the club on plane and making solid contact with the golf ball? Does your golf swing feel as though it doesn’t travel smoothly from start to finish? Are you attempting to make a long smooth one-piece takeaway like you’ve been taught ever since you picked up a golf club? If you answered yes to any of these then there’s a good chance you have not performed the correct wrist hinge in the golf swing. Using the lag shot golf training aid teaches you to hinge your wrists correctly so you make a consistent and on plane golf swing.

The good news is you’re not alone as incorrect hinging of the wrists is one of the most common problems among golfers worldwide.

Unfortunately, due to golfers’ fascination with distance, the wrist hinge in the golf swing doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.

The Tac Tic Wrist Over Glove Golf Swing Training Aid Tactic will help you develop the right amount of wrist hinge in your golf swing.

By hinging your wrists correctly one of the added benefits is you get your golf swing on plane right from the start of the golf swing.

I learned how to keep my golf swing on plane just like the pros using the great golf instruction called the Easy Swing Plane

>> If you like this, you'll also like: How to Get The Proper Golf Swing Takeaway With a 2 Inch Move

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Why too much wrist hinge can be bad?

More often than not most golfers hinge too much too quickly in the golf swing. This was a bit of a “big thing” a few years back with some pros setting their wrists very early in the backswing. Whilst it obviously worked for some it caused a lot of confusion and problems for beginner and weekend golfers alike.

Most golfers when they performed this tended to drag the club behind their body too quickly.

This stopped golfers from getting the correct golf swing plane from the start of their swing and resulted in them having to perform compensations on the downswing to “save” their golf swing.

Find out how you can tell in just seconds if you've hinged your wrists correctly with this FREE Golf Swing Test.

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A second problem it causes

Not only can it get your golf swing off plane early, but it also tends to close or shut the clubface which again requires compensations to overcome for the rest of the golf swing. The other problem with this method is that because the wrist angle is set so early when you commence the downswing the tension has increased in your wrists due to a constant build-up.

The first thing that the body wants to do is release tension and this early wrist set will often force a golfer to get rid of tension too early.

As a result, in the downswing, you will lose your lag angle (angle between your wrist and shaft) and all timing and power.

Definitely a big no, no when you’re trying to become more consistent!

A more efficient way to determine wrist hinge

A simpler way of determining how much wrist hinge or wrist set you need in your golf swing is this. You should set or hinge your wrists the same percentage in relation to the completed stage of your backswing. Therefore, if you have completed 50% of your backswing your wrists should have hinged about 50%.

This would be roughly when your left arm is parallel to the ground and level with the chest.

If your backswing is 100% completed i.e. top of your swing, your wrist set/hinge should be 100% hinged.

You should be predominantly hinging your wrist upwards and not sideways.

This simple method will give you a great guide for every stage of the backswing from takeaway right through to the top.

Wrist Hinge In The Golf Swing

Making it even more simple

How would you like a more natural way to determine the right amount of wrist hinge in the golf swing? Simply by feeling the weight of the clubhead in the backswing you can develop your own correct amount of wrist hinge as the hands support the club throughout the golf swing.

Where most golfers fail is they get overly active in their wrists and hands and as a result, make it very difficult to get any feel for the clubhead.

A great drill to get your own proper wrist hinge in the golf swing

Grab a club in a relaxed position at set up and begin shifting your weight to the rear foot and turn your body. If you are holding the club with the right amount of tension your wrists will hinge when you begin to rotate. As long as you are moving the club away with your body and keep the wrists relaxed, as your finish the takeaway your wrists should begin to hinge on their own.

This is a natural physiological movement in the wrists. Your body is saying to support the weight of the clubhead they need to put in some effort i.e. hinge.

You’ll notice as you try this and turn your shoulders about 45 degrees that if you don’t hinge your wrists the club will feel heavy and uncomfortable and this is not a position you want to remain.

If you want to know how to get the correct wrist hinge in the golf swing you need to know the right technique. Learn 7 steps to getting the correct wrist hinge in the golf swing right here.

7 keys to proper wrist hinge in the golf swing

  1. Ensure your arms, hands, and wrists are free of tension at set up

  2. Practice shifting your weight to your rear leg

  3. When the shoulders have reached 45 degrees begin to turn your body

  4. Keep the wrists relaxed and let them hinge upwards naturally to support the weight of the golf club. Ensure they are hinging upwards.

  5. At the end of the takeaway, the golf club should be parallel to the ground

  6. When the lead arm (left for a right-hander) is parallel to the ground the club and arm should form the letter ‘L’ with the club pointing to the sky

  7. If you’ve maintained light tension in your wrists they will fully hinge as you’ve completed the backswing and just begun the downswing. This sets you up in a great position for more lag leading to more distance.

These are the great tips I got from Rotary Swing that explains perfectly the proper wrist hinge in the golf swing.




Putting it all together

Getting the proper wrist hinge in the golf swing is easy to do if you follow the above tips. The hinging of the wrists plays a vital role in the overall golf swing and is not something you want to ignore.

Remember to focus on keeping the wrists relaxed and free of tension and let them hinge upwards naturally as the body turns in the golf swing.

Give it a try and let me know your results, I would love to hear.

Before you go, don't forget to take the FREE Golf Swing Test to see if you hinge your wrists correctly in the golf swing.


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